............ Continued......................
There are institute who concentrate in developing the Mechanical hardware of the hand, The Shadow Robot Company has introduce Shadow Dexterous Hand which they claim is the worlds most advanced Dexterous hand and intend to produce a limited number of second generation prototypes for sale to research and development organization and other interested parties.

Technical Specification:
The Hand is driven from a block of Air Muscles mounted behind the Hand on the "forearm". Pneumatic valves and initial control software are provided. Unless otherwise stated, the joints are driven by an opposing pair of muscles, permitting variable compliance at the joint; however, some of the finger joints are driven by a single muscle with return spring.
4 degree of freedom
5 degree of freedom
2 degree of freedom
Wrist : 1.5Nm
Distal : 0.5Nm
Proximal : 1.0Nm
Fore Arm : Steel
Palm : Acetyl / Aluminum
Finger : Acetyl, Polycarbonate, Aluminum, Polyurethane skin
If such robotic arm is to be introduced, it will be good news for those who lost their hands or legs during Accidents, losing arm will no longer be the end of normal life for them, they still can get their arm replaced with robotic arm and live a normal life.
Wrist : 1.5Nm
Distal : 0.5Nm
Proximal : 1.0Nm,
all those values seems too small compared to those parameters of mature healthy human beings.
maybe the artifical hand would only pick up an apple, not able handling a watermelon.
All those joints should be driven by motors(guess, since u ddint specify). just wondering in the limited space, size of the motor will ,of course, be constrainted, and so the power of the motor, how did those reseraches design to provide enough torque and force to the joints?
u025852e Chung Chan Lee
Think the hand id driven by what they called 'Air Muscles', which think is Pneumatic valves, the joints are driven by an opposing pair of muscles, however, some of the finger joins are driven by a single muscle with return spring.
one interesting things about this robotic hand is it can only operate at half the speed of human hand.................... think much improvement can be made on this.
I think another important point is the control of this arm. Whether it is fully automatic or it is controled by the user. if any one of this arm will be fixed to a patient, i believe the user wish he could use it as it's a part of his body. There are research conducted in the area of control with "thought" [brain wave or neural signal]. If the control and the develop of this kind of arm both present in furture, it will be a really breakthrough.
I think it will take more than a robotic arm before those who have lost their limbs in accidents can lead normal lives again. Not only will these people have to learn how to manipulate the robotic arms which i believe would be very difficult without hands.
U0204997 Yeo Yunn En
Moreover, how would others react to a robotic arm coming out from one's body. I am sure people who have lose their limbs would not want to become "freak shows".
The robotic arms have to resemble more of real human hands and be able to be manipulated by the limbs before it can be used by these people.
U0205352 Lim Lipien
I think that this robotic arm serves as a means and hope for those people who lost their hand during birth or through fatal accidents as they can regain their use of both hands.
But from another point of view, will this robotic arm offer more pros than cons or vice versa? I feel there are still some doubts that the person can use his/her mind or brain to fully control the robotic arm as one wishes to.
Morever, I feel that this arm will instead damage the self confidence of the person. Some people might see those people who lost their hand as "freak" or some sort of hideous creature when their robotic arms are reavealed.
u0204635 Tan Pei-En
2 things to think about:
Firstly, to what extent can the phenomenology of a hand be reproduced? In other words, how much will it FEEL like a real hand? Can we connect the nerves such that I can feel a pain in the index finger when it is pinched? That will feel itchy when a mosquito bites the hand (poor mosquito)? Only if all these can be reproduced can life be said to return to NORMAL for the individual.
Secondly, a THOUGHT EXPERIMENT for all:
Imagine you are living in the year 2050 or something. Technology has advanced sufficiently such that there are robotic/artificial part that can replace ANY part of the human body.
Now let's say you got in an accident and you lost an arm. You replace it, it feels just like the old one. 2 months later, you got into another accident and lost a leg. It gets replaced, and you feel just like yourself again. Unfortunately, you are extremely careless and get into an accident every 2 months for the next 10 years, causing you to have lost every part of your body and having had it replaced by an artificial part.
Also, by some freak accident you lose half of your brain. But people in real life (this is true!) have survived after losing half their brains. So you survive, and the half you lost is reconstructed by some brilliant scientists. Yet another freak accident occurs and you lose other half of your brain. Again, since people can survive with 1/2 their brains, you survive. Again, this half is replaced.
As a result, your entire physical body has been replaced, step by step! Every part of it is just a machine, functionally and structurally similar to a human.
Name: Ooi Yi Xiang Patrick
Matriculation Number: U036703E
Email UserID: u0303375
The concept of replacement body parts sounds extremely good to me. If lizards and some other animals can replace their lost limbs, then why can’t we humans, being supposedly more evolved, do the same too?
It seems that humans do not have a lot of physical advantages which other animals have, but since we have a better brain than other species, we have to use it to our advantage. That’s why we are doing research on the fields of robotics and medicine which can be combined to give us artifical replacement organs.
Although still in it’s very early stages, I do hope one day humans can achieve the level of technology as seen in the Star Wars universe, where entire robotic body parts function just like normal ones.
U037972h Hoo We Tak
I think physically it still got a lon way to go in making the robotics components to learn the stregth and tecnique used in different movement.
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